Comparison Chart Super Visa Insurance Policies

Comparison Chart Super Visa Insurance Policies

Benefits Comparison chart

GMS Sample Policy

Blue Cross VTC sample policy

Manulife Policy Details

Special Risks MRM Inc VTC Sample

TIC VTC sample policy

Travel Guard VTC

Travel Underwriters VTC










Hospitalization - Hospital accommodations up to semi-private rooms and hospital services and supplies necessary for emergency care during hospitalization. One (1) follow-up visit (excluding on-going treatment) is covered in situations where the medical process in dealing with the emergency requires such a follow-up visit. The follow-up visit must take place within fourteen (14) days of the initial emergency.


Hospitalization - for ward accommodation. Semi- private or private accommodation are not covered.


Reasonable and customary charges for medical care received from a physician in or out of a hospital, the cost of a hospital room (semi-private room when available or an intensive care unit when medically necessary); the services of a licensed private duty nurse while you are in hospital; the rental or purchase (whichever is less) of a hospital bed,


Expenses that are Medically Necessary for Emergency hospital and medical Treatment are covered and all other related expenses resulting from an Injury (accident) or new Sickness or disease that first manifests itself during the Insured Trip are covered up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00). Expenses for the Emergency.

Emergency Hospital
The insurer agrees to pay for semi-private hospital accommodation and for reasonable and customary services and supplies necessary for your emergency medical care during confinement as a resident in-patient.

Eligible Emergency Medical Expenses If prescribed by a physician and pre-authorized by us, we cover: a. The cost of care received from a physician in or out of a

b. The cost of a hospital room;

c. The cost of rental or purchase (whichever is less) of ahospital bed;

This insurance is available in aggregate benefits limits in increments of $10,000 up to a maximum of $300,000 per insured person. Emergency Hospital confinement as a resident in-patient

(limited to semi-private accommodation) . Any coverage related to the Hospital confinement terminates upon release from Hospital .

Medical Services

Medical Services - Treatment by a physician or surgeon.


The reasonable and usual medical and surgical charges for the services of a physician, surgeon or anesthetist, up to the amount payable under the government fee schedule in the area where services are rendered.

. Follow-up visits are covered until the attending physician or our medical advisors declare the end of the medical emergency.


Private Duty Nursing services performed by a registered Nurse (R.N.) or Registered Medical Attendant, other than a relative up to a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000);

If you are hospitalized for 48 hours or more as a result of an emergency, the insurer agrees to reimburse up to $50 a day, to a maximum of $500 for an attendant, other than a relative, to care for your accompanying travelling companion(s) under age 18, or physically or mentally handicapped travelling companion(s) who rely on you for assistance.

Follow-up visits are covered up to $3,000.


The cost of care received from a physician in or out of a


Emergency Medical Treatment The services of a Physician

Diagnostic Services

Diagnostic Services - X-rays and other diagnostic tests. Magnetic resonance imaging, computerized axial tomography scans, sonograms, ultrasounds and biopsies are excluded, unless pre-authorized by GMS.


The charges for laboratory tests and X-rays when prescribed by the attending physician.


Wheelchair, brace, crutch or other medical appliance; tests that are needed to diagnose or find out more about your condition;

Diagnostic, X-rays & Laboratory Services up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000);

The insurer agrees to pay for emergency medical, surgical or anaesthetic services when performed and authorized by a physician.


medical appliance, cost of tests that are needed to diagnose your condition

X-ray Examinations
X-ray examinations and diagnostic laboratory procedures when performed at time of initial Emergency, and/or for non-emergency Medical Treatment provided treatment is a direct result of the initial Emergency Medical Treatment .


Out-Patient Treatment

Out-Patient Treatment - Out-patient emergency room expenses.


Transportation expenses

The following services must be approved and planned by CanAssistance

Expenses to bring you home - If your treating physician recommends that you return home

a stretcher fare on a commercial flight via the most cost-effective itinerary, if a stretcher is medically necessary;

the return economy class fare of a qualified medical attendant via the most cost-effective itinerary to accompany you, and the attendant’s reasonable fees and expenses, or

the cost of air ambulance transportation, if it is medically necessary.


Wheelchair rental, crutches, braces and other necessary medical appliances up to a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000);

patient services provided by a hospital.

The cost of wheelchair, brace, crutch

Treatment as an outpatient, Rental of essential medical appliances including but not limited to wheelchairs, crutches and canes, but in no event will the rental amount payable exceed the total purchase price .


Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs - Drugs and medication obtained on the prescription of the attending physician and supplied by a licensed pharmacist, to a maximum of thirty (30) day prescription. Refills of prescriptions, and any associated physician's expenses, are excluded from coverage.

The cost of drugs requiring a physician's prescription, except when they are required for the continued stabilization of a chronic medical condition.


Drugs that are prescribed for you and are available only by prescription from a physician or dentist.

Prescription Drugs limited to a 30 day supply up to a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000);

Drugs or medications that require a physician's written

prescription, not exceeding a one-month supply.

Not to exceed $500 per insured.


The cost of prescription medication

Medicines and/or Drugs
Medicines and/or drugs (excluding vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements and over the counter medicines) prescribed by the attending Physician for a maximum period of 30 days or up to a maximum of $10,000, whichever first occurs (original pharmacy prescription receipts are required) . While You are confined to Hospital the Company will reimburse the total cost of such medicines and/or drugs .



Ambulance - Expenses for the use of a licensed road or air ambulance in an emergency situation that requires immediate transportation to the nearest hospital where adequate facilities are available. GMS will reimburse the expense for an air ambulance or regularly scheduled airline only when the transport is to a hospital for further in-hospital treatment that is not available at the facility attended and

is upon written recommendation of the attending physician and with prior GMS approval. This benefit excludes helicopter transports.


The fees of dental surgeons for treatment necessitated by an external injury (not as a result of deliberate introduction of food or an object into the mouth), only when natural and healthy teeth which have had no previous treatment are damaged, or to reduce a fracture or dislocation of the jaw. In all cases, treatment must begin during the period of coverage and end within 6 months of the accident. The covered person must transmit to the insurer an X-ray taken after the accident and before the treatment begins, showing the damages sustained. The maximum refundable is $1,000 per accident per covered person.


Reasonable and customary charges for local licensed ground ambulance service to transport you to the nearest appropriate medical service provider in an emergency.


Local licensed Ambulance services up to a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000);

air ambulance, one-way economy airfare,

Transportation of Family or Friend

Up to $3,000 for one round-trip economy class transportation by the most direct route, and up to $1,000 for reasonable costs incurred after arrival by your family member or close friend if:

a)  you are hospitalized due to a covered sickness or injury and the attending physician advises the necessary attendance by such persons; or

b)  local authorities legally require the attendance of such person to identify your remains in the event of death due to a covered sickness or injury.


Benefit Limit: Plan 1 $25,000; Plan 2 $50,000; Plan 3 $150,000.

2. Ambulance We cover: a. The cost of local ground ambulance service to a medicalservice provider if medically required; or
b. Taxi fare instead of ambulance transportation, where an

ambulance is medically required but not available.
Benefit Limit: Plan 1 $5,000 limit; Plan 2 $5,000 limit; Plan 3 no benefit limit.


The services of a licensed ambulance, including mountain and sea rescue, from the scene of the accident or place of onset of the Sickness to the nearest Hospital .

Paramedical Services

Paramedical Services - Expenses, up to an aggregate maximum of $300 per person, for the emergency services of an osteopath, physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist and/or podiatrist.



Care received from a licensed chiropractor, osteopath, chiropodist, physiotherapist or podiatrist, up to $300 per profession.

50% of the costs for the services of a chiropractor, chiropodist, osteopath and physiotherapist when referred by a doctor following a covered injury up to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500).


 The services of a legally licensed

a)physiotherapist , chiropodist when ordered by the attending physician as treatment for a covered injury.

b)  chiropractic

for treatment of a covered injury.

c) podiatrist or osteopath when ordered

by the attending physician as treatment for a covered injury.

Note: All of the above individually not to exceed $500 for out-patient treatment

Emergency Professional Services

Services of a licensed physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist, osteopath, podiatrist for the relief of Acute Emergency pain, up to a maximum limit of $500 per practitioner .


Accidental Dental

Accidental Dental - Expenses for the repair or replacement of natural teeth or permanently attached artificial teeth necessitated by an accidental blow to the mouth, to a maximum of $2,000 per person. Expenses for treatment of the relief of dental pain, to a maximum of $250 for such treatment. This benefit excludes dental implants.


The fees of dental surgeons for treatment necessitated by an external injury (not as a result of deliberate introduction of food or an object into the mouth), only when natural and healthy teeth which have had no previous treatment are damaged, or to reduce a fracture or dislocation of the jaw. In all cases, treatment must begin during the period of coverage and end within 6 months of the accident. The covered person must transmit to the insurer an X-ray taken after the accident and before the treatment begins, showing the damages sustained. The maximum refundable is $1,000 per accident per covered person.


If you need dental treatment in an emergency, we will pay:

- up to $300 for the relief of dental pain; or

- if you suffer from an accidental blow to the mouth, up to $3,000 to repair or replace your natural or permanently attached artificial teeth.


The Company will pay for dental expenses during the policy period when Your sound natural teeth are damaged as the result of a direct accidental blow to the mouth. Relief of dental pain will be reimbursed to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per insured trip.


Accidental Dental

The insurer agrees to reimburse reasonable and customary costs up to $3,000 for emergency treatment or services to whole or sound natural teeth (including capped or crowned teeth) caused by an accidental direct blow to the face.

Treatment relating to any dental claim must begin and end within 90 days from the onset of the accident and prior to your return to your country of origin.


Emergency Dental Coverage

The Company will reimburse up to a maximum limit of $4,000 for an Accident requiring the repair or replacement of sound natural teeth or permanently attached artificial teeth . Also, benefits are payable for other Emergency treatment for dental pain relief, other than pain caused by an Accident, up to a maximum limit of $600 . All dental treatment must be initiated within 48 hours from the time the Emergency began and completed no later than 90 days after the treatment began .



Return of Remains - When death results from a covered emergency, the expenses for either the preparation and transportation of the deceased to his/her destination in Canada or country of origin, to a maximum of $3,000 per person, or the expense of cremation or burial at the place of death, to a maximum of $2,000.


Return of the deceased

Up to $5,000 for the cost of preparation and transportation of the deceased person (excluding the cost of a coffin) to the place of residence, or up to $3,000 for the cost of cremation or burial at the place of death.


If you die during your trip from an emergency covered under this insurance, we will reimburse your estate for:

up to $3,000 to have your body prepared where you die and the cost of the container, plus the return home of your body (in the standard transportation container normally used by the airline); or

up to $3,000 to have your body prepared and the cost of a standard burial container, plus up to $3,000 for your burial where you die; or

up to $3,000 to cremate your body where you die, plus the return home of your ashes.


In the event of Your death the Company will pay up to a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the cost of returning Your remains to Your country of residence or burial or cremation at the place of death. The Company will not pay for the cost of a burial coffin.


Return of Deceased
In the event of death due to a covered sickness or injury, the insurer agrees to reimburse up to:

a)  $10,000 for the costs incurred to prepare and return your remains in a standard transportation container, to your country of origin; or

b)  $4,000 for cremation or burial at the place of death.

The cost of a coffin or urn is not covered.


we cover reasonable expenses incurred for any one of the following:

a. Transportation costs to return your remains to your departure point plus up to $3,000 for the preparation of your remains and a transportation container;

b.Transportation costs to return your remains to your departure point plus up to $2,000 for the cremation of your remains and the cost of a standard burial urn at the place of your death; or

c. Up to $3,000 for the preparation of your remains and the cost of a standard burial container plus up to $2,000 for the burial of your remains at the location where your death occurred.


In the event of Your death during a trip, as a result of an Accident or unexpected Sickness covered under the Policy Benefits, the Company will reimburse for:

a) preparation and return of Your body, including the cost of a standard shipping container (excluding the cost of a casket) to Your country of permanent residence to a maximum of $12,000; or,

b) burial or cremation at the place of death (excluding cost of a burial coffin or urn), in the event Your body is not returned to Your country of permanent residence, to a maximum of $5,000 .


Out of Pocket Expenses

Out of Pocket Expenses - Reimbursement for reasonable and customary expenses, up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,000, for accommodations, meals, necessary telephone calls and taxi or bus fares incurred by an accompanying family member in the event that you are hospitalized on the scheduled return date. Original paid receipts for the expenses incurred are required. This benefit must be pre-approved by GMS.


Subsistence allowance

Up to $1,000 ($100 per day for a maximum of 10 days) for the cost of accommodation and meals in a commercial establishment, when a covered person's return must be delayed due to illness or bodily injury to himself or to an accompanying immediate family member or travelling companion.


Extra expenses for meals, hotel, phone calls and taxi - If a medical emergency prevents you or your travel companion from returning home as originally planned, or if your emergency medical treatment or that of your travel companion requires your transfer to a location that is different from your original destination, we will reimburse you up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,500 for your extra hotel, meals, essential calls and taxi fares. We will only pay for

these expenses if you have actually paid for them.


Additional out-of-pocket expenses (i.e., telephone, television rental) are covered up to one hundred dollars ($100) when You are hospitalized for a covered Medical Emergency. Expenses must be supported by an original receipt.

Insurer agrees to reimburse up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,500, or up to a maximum 10 days in the event you (or your insured travelling companion) are confined to hospital on the date on which you are scheduled to return home. The insurer will reimburse for commercial accommodation, meals, child care costs (children under age 18, or physically or mentally handicapped travelling companion(s) who rely on you for assistance), essential telephone calls and taxi fares incurred by you or any insured travelling companion. We will only reimburse these expenses if you have actually paid for them.

A subsistence allowance up to $500 per deceased insured for commercial accommodations and meals for that person (receipts must be submitted); and

We cover that person under the terms of this insurance during the period in which he/she is required to identify your body, up to three (3) business days.

Benefit Limit: Plan 1 $5,000 aggregate limit; Plan 2 $5,000 aggregate limit; Plan 3 no aggregate benefit limit.




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