Self Directed RRSP | Retirement Planning

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There are five main phases of retirement:

1. Beginning the planning process
2. Implementing the plan and building the retirement fund
3. Monitoring progress
4. Approaching retirement
5. Retirement and distribution of assets

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Self Directed RRSP | Retirement Planning

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Self-Directed RRSP - A type of RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) whose owner determines the asset mix held in the trust. An RRSP is a Canadian retirement savings vehicle to which contributions are tax deductible on an annual basis, up to a certain amount. With a self-directed RRSP, an investor can determine the portfolio of investment products in his or her RRSP. Investments that are not RRSP eligible, however, are sill not allowed in a self-directed RRSP.

Aside from the tax advantage provided by the Canadian federal government, a self-directed RRSP account is very similar to a regular investment account.

When evaluating your options of how to invest in your rrsp, you commonly find tips that tell you to balance your portfolio between stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. This is really just another way of saying to have a diversified approach to investing, which we believe is an important element to building long term wealth. However, diversification is only one element to achieving success. An even more important element is knowing when to take profits and losses.

If you have further query please contact Canada Insurance Plan.

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Annuities are another type of investment option that is offered by insurance companies. They act as a type of retirement protection that can give you the security of knowing you will have a guaranteed income should you live longer than expected, or should your retirement savings not be enough. There are a number of options to choose from in the annuities market, ranging from safer investments to riskier, potentially with higher yield return options.

Retirement is a major life change, and taking another look at your life insurance protection and options is an important part of preparing your finances. An insurance agent can help you find the options that are right for you.

> Retirement Planning
> RRSP Advice
> Self Directed RRSP
> Personal Pension Plan
> Min | Max Return RRSP
> High Growth Return on RRSP
> Secure Principal Investment
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