Senior Canadians Travelling outside of Canada
When Seniors travel outside of Canada it is different from young and healthy individual travel , since complications with age arise and therefore does the number of medications also increase and if an uncalled , untimely medical expense need arises during the Seniors travelling abroad and outside of Canada falling ill and bad health , it could turn out to be a heavy to carry over the cost where even repatriation could be costly or almost impossible due to bad health conditions
Hospital confinement and treatment
Emergency hospital confinement (limited to semi-private accommodation) and/or emergency medical treatment by a physician for the actual, usual and customary charges for reasonable and necessary hospital and medical expenses. This expense includes one follow-up visit (not including ongoing treatment), when the medical process in dealing with the emergency requires such follow-up visit. The follow-up visit must take place within 14 days of the initial emergency. In the case of hospital confinement, any coverage related to the hospital confinement terminates upon release from hospital, other than one follow-up visit within 14 days of the hospital discharge.
The services of a physician.
Ambulance services
The services of a licensed ambulance and paramedics from the scene of the accident or place of onset of the sickness to the
nearest hospital. If an ambulance is medically required but is unavailable, the company will reimburse you for taxi expenses,
taxi receipt required.
X-ray examinations
X-ray examinations and diagnostic laboratory procedures when performed at time of initial emergency.
Medicines and/or drugs
Up to a maximum of a 30-day supply for medicines and/or drugs (excluding vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements and over the
counter medicines) that require a physician’s written prescription following a consultation (original pharmacy prescription receipts are required). While you are confined to hospital, the company will reimburse the total cost of such medicines and/or drugs.
Rental of essential medical appliances
Rental of essential medical appliances including, but not limited to, wheelchairs, crutches and canes, but in no event will the rental amount payable exceed the total purchase price.
Private duty nursing
Private duty nursing services, performed by a registered nurse(R.N.) other than a family member, when ordered in writing by the attending physician expressly in lieu of hospitalization.
Simply check our Travel Insurance forum for more answers and fill in your own questions and queries to be sorted out by our experts |
Key Benefits |
Maximum Limit |
Maximum liability |
$5,000,000 |
Emergency medical treatment |
- Emergency medical treatment for sickness or injury whether in-patient or out-patient care
- Services of physician, surgeon, anaesthetist, registered graduate nurse
- Private duty nursing
- X-rays and laboratory services
- Rental of essential medical appliances |
Ambulance |
Yes, including paramedics or taxi in lieu |
Prescription drugs |
Limit of a 30-day supply |
Professional medical services |
- Up to $500 per practitioner including a licensed physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist, osteopath,
podiatrist and optometrist |
Dental |
- Up to $4,000 for accident
- Up to $500 for any other dental emergencies |
Hospital allowance |
$50 per day to a maximum of $500 for incidental hospital charges |
Emergency air transportation |
Up to policy limit; includes cost of air ambulance, stretcher fare or one-way economy airfare, medical attendant or
travelling companion, seat upgrade when medically necessary (for insured and attendant or travelling companion) |
Return of excess baggage |
Up to $200, provided there was no room aboard and when the insured is returned to the home province under the
Emergency Air Transportation Benefit or Repatriation Benefit |
Return of travelling companion |
A one-way economy airfare back to the departure point if the insured is returned home for medical reasons |
Escort of children/grandchildren |
Up to age 21 or 25 if full-time student; no age limit for mentally/physically handicapped |
Repatriation |
- Up to $10,000 for repatriation (excluding cost of coffin)
- Up to $4,000 for burial/cremation at place of death (excluding cost of burial coffin or urn)
- Transportation costs for one family member to identify the body and up to $150 per day for meals and
accommodation to a maximum of five days; the family member will also be covered as an insured for a maximum
of five days |
Family transportation |
One economy return airfare or ground transportation costs and up to $150 per day for out-of-pocket expenses |
Out-of-pocket expenses |
Up to $400 per day to a maximum of $4,000 when insured or travelling companion is hospitalized on the date
scheduled to return to the home province or when transferred to a different hospital in another city for emergency
medical treatment |
Return of vehicle |
Up to $4,000 |
Return to your destination |
One-way economy airfare by the most direct route to return to the insured’s original trip destination following a return
to their home province under the Emergency Air Transportation Benefit |
Return of accompanying dog or cat |
Up to $300 |
Key Features |
Plans available |
- Multi trip worldwide
- Multi trip within Canada
- Worldwide
- Worldwide excluding USA (includes up to 5 days transit coverage in USA)
- Within Canada |
Pre-existing conditions coverage |
59 years and under
- No stability period for trips of 35 days and less*
- 90-day stability period for trips over 35 days
60 to 74 years
- 180-day stability period for all trip lengths
75 to 89 years
- 365-day stability period for all trip lengths
* Conditions and/or symptoms which arose or worsened on the date of departure, or at any time within the seven days prior to the date of departure, other than a minor ailment, will not be covered. |
Deductible |
Automatic $250 deductible; buy-out option available or other deductible options up to $100,000 for premium discount |
One temporary visit to home province
during a single trip |
Includes up to a maximum of 10 days |
Family rate |
Available up to age 59; includes grandparents and grandchildren as well as children up to age 21 or 25 if full-time
students; no age limit if children are mentally/physically handicapped |
Subrogation |
No subrogation against any employment plans with a lifetime maximum limit of $100,000 or less |
Norman & Cindy, London ON |
William & Dorothy, Sarnia ON |
Richard & Shelly, Toronto ON |
Peter, Brampton ON |
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