Pay your entire balance every month. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself in credit card debt very fast. Don’t believe what people tell you about building credit. You don’t need to accumulate debt to obtain a credit history. Simply pay your bills on time and remain gainfully employed. That’s all you need to qualify for a home loan.That and at least a 20 percent down payment.
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Burlington Not Everyone Qualifies for the Best Rates |
Not Everyone Qualifies for the Best Rates
These low interest rates combined with falling housing prices -- not to mention desperate sellers willing to make deals and a high inventory of available homes -- make this a great time to buy a house, especially for those home buyers who don't have a residence of their own to sell first.
Those rates are reserved for those borrowers that mortgage lenders -- and the big three credit bureaus -- consider most trustworthy. Only those borrowers who lenders think will make their mortgage payments on time qualify for the top interest rates.
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