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Company Deductibles Action
  $10000 $5000 $2500 $1000 $500 $250 $100 $75 $50 $0  
Travel Underwriters
Manulife (Plan A) No pre existing conditions
Manulife (Plan B) Covers stable pre existing conditions
GMS Covers stable pre existing conditions
$3000 Deductible $1000 Deductible $250 Deductible $100 Deductible $0 Deductible
Travel Guard No pre existing conditions
21 Century
Pre-existing covers
21 Century
No pre-existing covers
MRM No pre existing conditions
Welcome Canada Welcome Canada
$3000 Deductible $1000 Deductible $250 Deductible $100 Deductible $0 Deductible
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Privacy Policy by TRUSTe
We are a broker company offering plans / insurance products from companies like Manulife Financial, GMS, Travel Underwriters, Travel Guard, Blue Cross, TIC, SRMRM Inc. and Welcome Canada, what we care for is a plan that best suits your needs at lowest possible premiums. We work in the best interest of client and not insurance companies. We strive to maintain the accuracy with all the information provided on this website; however errors and omissions regretted.

       Norman & Cindy, London ON         William & Dorothy, Sarnia ON         Richard & Shelly, Toronto ON        Peter, Brampton ON 
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