Health Care | Hospitalization | Repatriation
Emergency Transportation
When necessary, the insurer agrees to transport you to your country
of origin when immediate medical consultation is required due to a
covered emergency sickness or injury. Any emergency transportation
such as air ambulance, one-way economy airfare, stretcher and/or a
medical attendant must be approved and arranged by Claim Administrator.
Transportation of Family or Friend
Up to $3,000 for one round-trip economy class transportation by
the most direct route, and up to $1,000 for reasonable costs
incurred after arrival by your family member or close friend if:
a) you are hospitalized due to a covered sickness or injury and the
attending physician advises the necessary attendance by such
persons; or
b) local authorities legally require the attendance of such person
to identify your remains in the event of death due to a
covered sickness or injury.
Our Signature Plan – The Real Comprehensive Plan – Great Value for your money.
Most insurance plans for Super Visa are for medical emergencies only. We are proud to bring to you a plan that is a real comprehensive plan, in addition to the coverage for medical emergencies, it also covers non-medical emergency for the following benefits:-
A – Annual check-up* – Just like you can go to your family doctor for an annual check-up, the same way your parents can also go for an annual check-up and use the benefit up to $250 for the doctor visit or lab tests, etc.
B – Eye Exam* – Once a year, you can get eyes examined up to $100 benefit and can be a routine checkup, does not have to an emergency.
C – Vaccines* – Up to $100 for vaccines and is non-emergency treatment.
*Please refer to policy document for the full description of the benefit.
Simply fill the form below and have comparison from all Insurance companies providers.
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