Market-Based Funds
From Bay Street to your street
Segregated funds allow you to invest in a mix of stocks and bonds, depending on the fund.
Your contributions are pooled with those of other investors and managed by professional investment managers
Your returns fluctuate, based on the performance of the underlying investments
You have several options to choose from, with different investment objectives, levels of risk and growth potential
Your funds are valued daily
Funds for Smart Investing
Money Market Funds
Bond Funds
Balanced Funds
Canadian Equity Funds
U.S. Equity Funds
Global Equity Funds
Regional Equity
Fund Information
Fund and performance information for Canada Life segregated funds.
Reference Guide
This reference guide provides tips to help you read and understand fund reports, making your investment selection and monitoring process easier.
Fund report reference guide
Fund Documents
Balanced Funds
Bond Funds
Canadian Equity Funds
Global Equity Funds
LifePoints Funds
Money Market Funds
Regional Equity
US Equity Funds